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Sedation Dentistry Raynes Park - Adult Treatments Under Sedation

  • Treatment for nervous and phobic patients.
  • Simple and complex treatment under sedation including intra-venous/oral/inhalation (gas & air).
  • Clinical hypnotherapy to address patients who may have:
    • Dental Anxiety
    • Dental Phobia
    • Needle Phobia
    • Fear of Panic Attacks
    • Sensitive Gag Reflex
    • Clenching & Grinding
    • Atypical Face Pain
    • Chronic Facial Pain
    • TMJ Dysfunction

What is Sedation?

Though we strive to be able to make the experience for everyone at Beverley dental a comfortable one, we understand that sometimes some patients need a little helping hand.

We are lucky enough to have Dr Munir Ravalia with us at Beverley dental to offer a range of sedation options. He has been providing dental sedation for 15 years and is a lecturer in sedation and pain management at the world renowned Eastman Dental Institute. He has postgraduate qualifications from the Eastman in pain management and sedation as well as a Medical Diploma in clinical hypnotherapy.

Everyone is different, and Munir’s aim is to create a bespoke sedation solution for each patient, that can range from clinical hypnosis, oral sedation to IV sedation. This allows for any and all treatment to be done under sedation, and even the option to have sedation whilst being treated by your regular dentist.

We also offer inhalation sedation for children in Raynes Park, London.

Treatment Under Sedation Pricing
required for all patients
IV SEDATION + Routine Extraction
IV SEDATION + Surgical Extraction
IV SEDATION + Restorative Treatment
£250 per hour
plus restorative treatment
Estimates for restorative treatments will be given after assessment
Clinical Hypnotherapy
per 45 min consultation
Oral Pre-medication
+ treatment
Interested in booking an Assessment for Sedation with Dr Munir Ravalia?

Call us now or book online to schedule your appointment

020 8241 2515
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is conscious sedation?

It is a means of making you comfortable, totally relaxed and safe during a procedure. Administration of the sedatives and analgesia results in you becoming drowsy and sleepy, pain free, and probably amnesic such that you will have very little recollection of the procedure.

How long do I need to recover?

This depends on the drugs used, your individual response, and the time spent under sedation.  After the administration of the sedative drugs is stopped, recovery is in most cases less than about 30 minutes. The sedationist will carefully monitor you to ensure that you are fit for discharge.

Do I still need to have local anaesthetic?


The conscious sedation drugs are given to relax you whilst the local anaesthetic drugs will take the pain away. The local anaestaethic will be administered after the sedation has taken effect.

Does someone need to take me home?

Yes, due to the sedative affects of the medication you will need a responsible adult to accompany you home, preferably by car or taxi.

Shall I take my normal medications before my sedation?

When we assess you, you must tell us all the medications you are on. You must continue to take all your medications as usual, unless advised otherwise by the sedationist.

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